No more excuses Bible Study
Be the Man God Made You to Be
- Tony Evans
Sometimes circumstances in life make it difficult for men to be all God wants them to be. But Tony Evans urges men to stop looking at their circumstances as excuses and instead to see them as challenges and opportunities for success. Exploring the examples of men of God throughout the Bible, this study will challenge you to lay down your excuses, stop compromising, and fight to be a man of character and commitment. Despite your setbacks, failures, and pressures, you can still find purpose, meaning, and direction in life and become the man God has called you to be.
• Videos and session previews featuring author Tony Evans
• Eight small-group sessions
• Personal-study opportunities for ongoing spiritual growth
• Promotional video
• Become the man God has called you to be.
• Learn from the examples of men in the Bible.
• Overcome setbacks and obstacles on the path to spiritual growth.
• See hard circumstances as opportunities for growth.
• Challenge yourself to be a man of character and commitment.
• Fight for purpose and meaning in your life.
• Lead with strength and godliness.
• Make decisions and take action while keeping your godly character intact.
• Commit to walk through life with other men who will point you to Jesus.
No More Excuses - Promo:
Our study will begin on Tuesday, July 5th, 2022 at 6:30 pm on the 2nd floor at Harlan Christian Church and also via Zoom for those that cannot attend. We will watch the video for each week in person and it will be best to start our Zoom meeting at 6:45-6:50 with prayer and then discussion. Additional information along with a preview and the instructional video for each session can be found below. Please note that all participants will need access to a study book; some will be made available by the church or you can purchase your own. Links to our Zoom meeting and the study book can be found at the bottom of this page. Please contact Scott Pace at 606.273.1526 or scott.pace@gmx.com for more information.
To get the most out of this study, please watch the related video for each week and complete the sections in your study book before we come together as a group. We will focus on the START, WATCH and MAN UP sections in our group sessions. Each week provides three days of Bible study and learning activities for individual engagement: "Hit the Streets" and two Bible Studies. HIT THE STREETS highlights practical steps for taking the week's teaching and putting it into practice. The Bible studies are personal studies that revisit stories, Scriptures and themes Dr. Evans introduced in the video so that men can understand and apply them on a personal level. Men should use the other days of the week to reflect on what God is teaching them and to practice putting the biblical principles into action.
July 5th - Week 1: No More Hiding behind the Past [14:11] / Preview, Session 1 Video, Week/Session 1 Content
What can you do to overcome the negative influence of your past? The Bible has a lot to teach us on this subject. In this session, Dr. Tony Evans explores the life of Joseph, a man who overcame a lot of obstacles and opposition to rise to a position of great power, authority, and influence for God’s purposes in the world. Through Joseph’s story, we will see what it means to stop hiding behind the past.
July 12th - Week 2: No More Holding Back [13:22] / Preview, Session 2 Video
God has given each man a sphere of influence, whether in his family or at work, as well as in his personal life, emotions, and development. In this session, Dr. Tony Evans highlights an episode from Elisha’s ministry and issues a call for you to live boldly while overcoming any efforts the enemy may use to hold you back.
July 26th - Week 3: No More Weak Leadership [12:04] / Preview, Session 3 Video, Week 3 Notes
In this session, Dr. Tony Evans explores God’s design for a man’s leadership. We’ll also examine the consequences poor leadership can have on a man’s legacy. God has a definite design in mind for strong leaders, and He has created men to live out that design as their destinies.
August 2nd - Week 4: No More Going through the Motions [12:04] / Preview, Session 4 Video, Week 4 Notes
Meaning is found beyond merely going through the motions. It comes when you commit to a sold-out, all-in, no-turning-back pursuit of God Himself. He’s ready. Are you? In this session Dr. Tony Evans looks at Solomon’s quest for meaning and learn how it relates to men today.
August 9th - Week 5: No More Compromising Your Integrity [12:41] / Preview, Session 5 Video, Week 5 Notes
In this session, Dr. Tony Evans teaches on the crucial area of personal integrity. We may think we can hide who we really are in secret, but God sees. God knows. And often in His providential ways, other people come to know as well. True integrity doesn’t shift based on the people present or on the location. True integrity stays consistent throughout each moment of our lives.
August 16th - Week 6: No More Sifting through the Rubble [13:18] / Preview, Session 6 Video, Week 6 Notes
Far too often men allow their failures to define, confine, and resign them to lives of mediocrity. The fear of failure is one of the greatest deterrents to risk and faith. But God has something to say about facing our failures head-on. In this session, Dr. Tony Evans teaches men what it means to stop sifting through the rubble of failure.
August 30th - Week 7: No More Half Stepping [12:31] / Preview, Session 7 Video, Week 7 Notes
If you want to be a man of great impact and spiritual significance, you need to go all in. Effort. Consistency. Dedication. Hard work. Diligence. These are the markers of a kingdom man who lives with no more excuses. In this session, Dr. Tony Evans teaches about what it means to stop half stepping and go all in for God.
September 6th - Week 8: No More Standing on the Sidelines [15:27] / Preview, Session 8 Video, Week 8 Notes
In this session, Dr. Tony Evans teaches men that God has a plan for men. We don’t belong on the sidelines. This week we’re going to look at how you can take part in everything God intended for you to do by fully engaging on the field of your life.
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 762 5050 5089
Passcode: YfsM3q
Bible Study Book:
No More Excuses - $14.99
Paperback - https://www.lifeway.com/en/product/no-more-excuses-bible-study-book-P005815371
Enhanced eBook - https://www.lifeway.com/en/product/no-more-excuses-bible-study-enhanced-ebook-P005817573